Friday, October 30, 2009

Last Lecture

Time past very fast, this is the last lecture for this semester.
Our last chapter was “What is a good business”.
People who willing to take a risk can only manage a good business.
After the lecture, Madam Rafidah shares with us how to do a well presentation.
She is quite disappointed with our presentation since that all of us did not prepare enough for it.

Besides that communication is very important for example, selling ideas to customer.
Furthermore is self-management skill.
A success business man should manage their time and task in good way.
After our business activity, I know that teamwork and collaboration is also one of the important process skills.

The things that we learned from lecture are just only a small part.
When some accidentally incident happened, we should fix it with our creativity.
Learning the skills is important but the way we manage the business is also very important.

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