Friday, October 30, 2009

Last Lecture

Time past very fast, this is the last lecture for this semester.
Our last chapter was “What is a good business”.
People who willing to take a risk can only manage a good business.
After the lecture, Madam Rafidah shares with us how to do a well presentation.
She is quite disappointed with our presentation since that all of us did not prepare enough for it.

Besides that communication is very important for example, selling ideas to customer.
Furthermore is self-management skill.
A success business man should manage their time and task in good way.
After our business activity, I know that teamwork and collaboration is also one of the important process skills.

The things that we learned from lecture are just only a small part.
When some accidentally incident happened, we should fix it with our creativity.
Learning the skills is important but the way we manage the business is also very important.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Final presentation!

Finally it is our final presentation.
For our group, the presenter is an international student, Prince Hector, Afidah, Chu Khai Ling and me.
Our presentation is within 20 to 30 minutes.
It is quite hard for us since we did not have enough time to practice it.
Fortunately, we did our presentation quite well and we manage to do our presentation in about 25 minutes.

A day before our presentation, I just finished the movie presentation.
When I was doing the movie presentation, I was reviewing the past.
Since we form our company until the last meeting, every meeting were never attended by all members.
It also cause so many misunderstands among group members.
communication is really important among group members.
In addition, trust also.
If we do not trust to our group members or our business partner we never can manage a good business.
I really do not hope that this kind of problems appear again.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Last Meeting

Although it is the last meeting but still has member who absented at that day.
We divided the entire task to all members.
I am responsible to do the movie presentation.

For the movie presentation, I have some ideas.
If we just do the photo slide is quite boring and meaningless.
So I decided to record a short movie to put in our movie presentation.
As I present my ideas to them, they seem agree with me.
They give many suggestions for me also.
After we decided we start acting.
It is funny and interesting with the way they act.

I hope that we can do our presentation well.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Dedication’s Progress

This Saturday is mid-autumn festival but the problem is we had not prepared for it!
Because of the holiday, we all went back home.
In that week, our dedication activity had no any progress.
Sadly, we had to rush at last moment.
But the most disappointed is our members could not unite at that time.
In this time also, I saw the selfishness!

No matter how, others member unite also finish the dedication activity.
At Wednesday night, a few members send the dedications to College Yayasan Albukhary.
While others laluan, others member send at Friday and Saturday.
We try the best to send all the dedication before mid-autumn festival.