Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Creativity, the Business Idea, and Opportunity Analysis

As usual Puan Rafidah gave us a lecture.
After the lecture, Puan gave us some times to do our brain storming.
The title is "One Malaysia" iCAAP Competition 2009.
There is 4 application included: Animation, Multimedia design, Virtual Reality and Game Design.
During this time also, we form our management team.

Company Name : International Youth
Group Leader : Lee Lih Wei (113587)
Secretary : Chu Khai Ling (114944)
Asistant Secretary : Noor Afida Ismail (110141)
Treasurer : Chon Sheh Mei (114862)
Asistant Treasurer : Corinne Ooi Chea Chee (114876)
Marketing and Sales:
Prince Hector C.O. (122766)
Chong Ling Zhi (112677)
Ng Pek Ching (114864)
Nallisvaran A/L Utneya Kumar (128625)

I really hope that we can start our business activity as soon as possible.

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